XAN-4134 is a semi-autonomous asset that was procured by XANTRONIX Industrial Heavy Manufacturing Concern in Fall of 2021. Unlike most semi-autonomous assets, XAN-4134 was originally manufactured and maintained by an independent third party prior to its acquisition. Its intended designation at the time of its conversion procedure is unclear. Records of the drone’s previous identity and history are considered confidential under clause 3-F of company policy #1704.
As a representative of the XANTRONIX semi-autonomous work force, XAN-4134 was outfitted with chassis modifications and firmware adjustments to optimize its service in our Medical Department. XAN-4134 is an example of a rare case in which a fully semi-autonomous asset has earned some degree of executive standing. It acts in a supervisory capacity to its peers in the Medical Department in order to ensure our high standards of ethical practice and policy compliance.